Sunday 18 March 2012


As Nigeria joins her counterpart all over the world, to celebrate world food day. It is pertinent to note that food remains a paramount issue in the seven point agenda of the present president of the federal republic of Nigeria president Umaru Yar’adua.
Nigeria is richly blessed with human and natural resources. At a point, we have been able to harness these resources to satisfy the needs of the masses. What has happening in the agricultural sector of the economy for the past twenty years now, is a basic problem that needs to be addressed.
Nigeria, the largest populated country in Africa is richly blessed with lot of sustainable resources that would have taken the country to greater height, and in the past, Nigeria was known as one of the country that exports the highest number of raw agricultural materials to the rest of the world. But today, Nigeria cannot even feed its masses let alone talks about exporting to other country
Despite the propaganda about exportation of raw agricultural materials, withal the new innovations of agriculture, what we export cannot be compare to what we ought to have exported.
This timely information is aimed at ensuring the production of enough food that will be sufficient for the consumption of the people; and for export. This information is also targeted to assisting in the security of food through the extension education technology.
We in Gofta believe strongly that the awareness and education given to farmers on the new method of farming and innovation has, to a considerable extent not been enough. Putting into consideration the large number of farmers we have in the country; to be precise, its effect is not up to 11%. Therefore, the government at all level must wake up to their responsibility of making food sufficient for its citizenry. In Nigeria where the bulk of farmers lived in the rural area, government ought to give special priority to farmers by designing a program aimed at reaching the rural farmers. Instead of using the Television to sensitize the people, the government and its agent should look for capable groups among the farmers co-operative Societies, to help them bring the real farmers together to be sensitized on how to prepare their farms for better yield. Instead the agencies set up by the government to reach the farmers through extension education technology have failed. As they have not been able to incorporate these farmers and give them the necessary assistance needed.

Extension in the real sense is to reach a large number of farmers at the same time.
We advise the government and all the agric officials in the various Ministry of Agriculture to buckle up now and do their best to make sure the farmers are assisted to the maximum level they can, to be able to produce enough food, to feed the populace, and for export
They should ensure they reach all the farmers, and ask them their problems, provide it for them and also encourage them by means of financial assistance, then institute a means to monitor their progress.
We in Gofta strongly believe that if these advices are applied, food shortage will be a thing forgotten in all nook and corners of Nigeria.
The government agencies definitely cannot be able to reach all farmers in the rural areas. Another fact is, any money designated for agric project in the country, becomes money for all. This is so because; the farmers are helpless, brother less, friendless, and unpopular. This should stop! Let us start our investment right now before our bones get puny. Call the farmers together, give them what actually belong to them. Because if you fail to do this, the book of Psalms 82:3 says “Give ear to the cause of the poor (those in the grass root) and the children without fathers; (the farmers) let those who are troubled and in need have their rights so says the Lord”.

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